Store Audit

For Mission Driven Business Owners & Brands…

Would You Like Me To Show You How To Add An Extra 5 To 6 Figures Of “FOUND” PROFITS Without You Touching Any Of Your Ad Campaigns?

I’m looking for 5 ecommerce clients for whom I can bring massive windfalls.

If you’re that client, I will personally work with you to help you add an extra 5 to 6 figures of extra profits within the next few weeks.

You pay nothing out of pocket. Ever.

Here’s why.

The first thing I’m going to do for you is to personally help you create a strategic plan to bring in immediate money.

There’s no charge for this and it only takes about 30 – 45 minutes for us to do together.

(After doing this type of thing for almost 10 years straight, I’ve gotten pretty good at fast results).

Anyway, I’ll even do most of the heavy lifting for you…telling you exactly how to increase your conversions, how to make more money from each customer and how to bring in back-end money as well.

At the end of this initial planning session one of these two things will happen:

  1. You love the plan and decide to implement it on your own. If this is the case, I’ll wish you the best of luck and ask that you keep in touch with me to let me know how you’re doing
  2. You love the plan and want my team to personally INSTALL every single one of the conversion boosting element for your brand

If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park …And that’s a promise.

It really is that simple and there’s no catch.

Think about this.

The “worst” that can happen is you walk away with a rock solid plan on how to add $30,000 per month in NEW found sales from your store without spending an extra dime on traffic.

The best that can happen is my team sets it all up for you so you can see an instant uptick in your sales and profits.

This Is The Closest Thing To FREE MONEY You’ll Ever See

Here’s how it’ll work:

First, we get on the phone one on one and go over your business.

I take a look at what you’ve got, what you’re doing, and what you want to achieve going forward.

Once we have those “raw materials”, I help you come up with a strategic plan of action to immediately increase your profits dramatically.

There are a number of ways I might do this for you.

For example, I might show you:

  • how to redesign your product page for better conversions…
  • how to rewrite your copy in a more impactful way…
  • how to restructure your offer (s) for a better price point…
  • how to create recurring revenue with order bumps…
  • how to boost your average order value (AOV) so you can scale aggressively…
  • how to maximize the money you make from your email list
  • how to whip up a quick email promotion (to your list) that you can run within days …and have the cash register ringing over and over again.

And like I said, there’s no charge for this

So Why Would I Offer It?

Two reasons:

First of all, I enjoy it. This type of thing is what I do best, and it makes me very, very happy to see someone achieve financial success (and all that comes with it) as a result of the help I give them.

Second of all, it’s how I attract top-level clients. Here’s how that works:

Assuming you’re happy and you want me to crank out these types of plans for you all the time, you’ll probably want to continue working together long term so I can help you implement them.

If this is the case, I might invite you to become a consulting client.

But if you think about it, it really doesn’t “cost” you anything.


Because I expect to make you much more than what you invest in the first month … and the assets we install in your business will continue to keep bringing extra profits for years to come.

And look. If you don’t want to become a client, don’t worry about it. You won’t get any sales pitch or pressure from me of any kind, ever.

Think about it. I’m personally generating a profit-plan for you up front – for free – and then letting you pay me later if (and only if) you decide to work together long term.

My stuff works, and I know that if we work together, you’ll make money.

But with that being said:

This Is NOT For Everybody. Here’s Who I CAN Help:

I’m VERY picky about who I’ll speak with and I’ve got a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that needs to be met in order for us to proceed.

Here it is:

#1 – You must have a solid private label business already.

This offer is for people who are up and running already and simply want to run a lot faster and a lot farther.

#2 – You should be doing atleast $10k per month or more and be profitable.

Oh, and I won’t work with beginners; get rich quick people, or wholesale / dropshipping folks.

No shenanigans.

#3 – You must have a steady flow of leads and customers

This means that you’re getting consistent traffic and making sales already.

You’re running ads, you’re promoting, and you’re selling stuff.

You don’t have to be “everywhere” or “huge”… I just need you to be PRESENT in your market.

#4 – You must have a good, solid product and a good reputation.

Everything we do together will not only be bringing you more sales and profits, but we’ll be doing it in a way that creates MASSIVE goodwill in your market.

And in order for us to do that, you need to have your act together.

In other words, you need to be legit.

#5 – You MUST be an implementer (NOT a spectator).

After all, if the strategies we discuss don’t get implemented, neither one of us will make money.

That’s it! Those are all my requirements

Here's What I Want You To Do Next

If you meet the criteria above and would like to talk to me personally about getting you incredible results, then I’ll happily set aside some time for you.

Here’s how the process works:

First, you’ll need to fill in an application. Don’t worry, it’s simple and unobtrusive.

I just need to know what you’re selling, get an idea of what you want to accomplish, and so forth.

The more SPECIFICS and details you tell me about your products & business, the better we can find “hidden gems” inside your business.

These can result in easy 5-figure and 6-figure wins, without a ton of effort or time.

Here’s What Will Happen After That

Our initial call will be around 45-60 minutes. This is where we really begin working to figure out exactly what you want …and how to make it happen.

I’ll painstakingly review your goals, your offers, and so forth …and I’ll deliver a plan to bring in money immediately.

If you see the value in becoming a high level client, great! We can talk about it.

And if you don’t want to become a client – that’s OK too.

WARNING - Time Is A Factor

This opportunity is extremely limited because we have the bandwidth to  work with just 5 clients right now.

We want to make sure we knock it out of the park for these clients before we take on others.

So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long.